From: wayne
Experience Mahjong madness @ ministry of wayne 6th april. Doors open at 5pm. One for one drinks till midnight. Bring a babe and get in for free. Carol is onz.
doors open at 5pm, but go earlier than 6 and yu'd see wayne naked in his room changing.
the only one for one we had was canadian pizza 2-4-1.
and babe or not, his maid will let yu in la.
anw, that made a really good friday.
with koekoe the meowf, dj tetanus and zzong
mahjong was the main focus, but its the quotable quotes that made the night.
as the night goes on and zzong gets damn seh, he goes abit nutz.
zhong : eh cat eat bird! [enthusiastically pointing at the cat flower tile and the one bamboo tile (the bird) like a calvin and hobbes. he trying to get 10cents for flower bite]
all of us ignored him
zhong : eh!! cat eat bird!!
all of us : -_- wtf?? then, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!
wayne : zomg.
zhong: eh, can yu say it without the z?!? yu are zo irritating la!
towards end of game when everyone is calling alr.
zhong : eh, FRESH!
at the same moment liana : eh from now on must bao fresh alr leh..
wayne : GAME!
koe and me : omg... yu know its fresh then why the hell yu go and put down.......
wayne when he wants to gang : pong gang!
wayne when he wants to gang but under pressure cos zhongyang taking tile alr : PANG PANG PING PANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
note: there is not a single gang in his screaming.
me : wayne yap, yu are the most irritating person that i do not hate!
zhong : but is he more irritating than the least irritating person that you hate?
me : wtf?
zhong : is the least irritating person that you hate more irritating than the most irritating person that you don't hate?
me : wtf? there are too many irritatings!!!
zhong : out of all the people that yu hate, think of the least irritating person among them. then is wayne more irritating?
me : huh. but i hate too many people.. and they are all irritating..
me (after destroying wayne's tile tower) : am i the most irritating person that yu hate?
wayne : yu are... EH? FUCK! FUCK!
wayne : shit, that was a good one. cos if i say i dont hate yu, yu win. if i say yu are not the most irritating person then yu also win. so yu win either way.
zhong : yup. so its a damned if yu do, damned if yu don't situation.
koe : (humming birthday song)
[i dunno why the hell she humming birthday song also]
zhong : who's getting married
koe and me : wtf??? its a birthday song la!
wayne : EH! i thought it was a wedding song too!!!
not forgetting the 18luohans and wayne's wonderful za hu.
anyways, great fun on a good friday!
hope we do it again soon.
but wayne needs to speed it up. freaking matrix slo mo whenever its his turn. haha ok now he's gonna kb me for kb-ing him. i hope he doesn't read my blog.
and koe needs to stop owning all our money!!!
rewind... -- thursday
goh lee gan (on KFPs) : if the question says cross 3, its ok if yu cross 2 if yu don't know howto do. but if yu cross 4, then yu get a ZERO. cos yu don't understand english!!
after the damned family med test, we wento shoot em up. :)
as wayne would say, TCU TC4.
after completing TC2, we tried TC3. but it sucks. cos the machines all cui - gun cui and the screen damn small. so TC4 it is.. and omg its bloody mudda f fun! damn bloody shiok. some brand new addiction. but this time round its more expensive. $2 per game :( getting owned by the multi-screen challenge :(
zhong the beng and gummy the foo(l) ddr-ed. zhong is truly a beng, and gummy is truly a .... hahaha kidding! gummy the brave first timer attracted spectators like mr bean dancing in the french market cuz of her screaming and stomping. heehee. she is probably gonna revenge and describe my moronic ducking while playing TC4, so i better mention it myself first haha. but its not my fault la, TC4 too realistic la.. hahaha. unfortunately, despite really ducking in the game and also in real life, i still got killed pretty fast :( nasty.
manny danced too, after cutely practising on the floor first. heehee.
before that, we had korean food while discussing shit wiping/smearing/dabbing techniques.
and after that, we took pictures with a tuktuk outside a thai restaurant and a police car with prisoner pete.
don't we just act so much like 21 year olds? :)
some regression to childhood.
(pictures stolen from meowf the koe)
today... is a fucked up shitty day. which is obvious since i'm freaking blogging like a loser on a saturday night.
my relationship is a fucking bipolar disorder. rapid cycling, mania, depression. whatever.
here's some forrest gump logic of mine:
life is like a pithole of shit that yu try to climb out of. and sometimes yu succeed, climbing till yu see some sunlight. those are the happy times. but then suddenly the shit yu're grasping to climb out of the shithole gives way, and then PLOOP yu fall into the shit again, and deeper this time. cos of gravity and force and all that physics nonsense. the higher yu are, the more yu fall, and the deeper yu land.
so should we just be content staying in the shithole instead of trying to get out? cos if yu try but yu fall, yu end up worse than before.
HAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING. i do not make sense at all. my own philosophy is fucking completely confounding me!
fuck it! i'm done here.

Saturday, April 07, 2007
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