Saturday, January 20, 2007

please don't try so hard to say goodbye.

i have eaten 2xpopeyes in 2xdays.
i am like so fat that even judeboy says i'm fat. and he's fat. so that's means i'm uber fat.
it does not help that bryan is going to eat grass in taiwan jungles for 3 weeks and get skinnyer than he has already become since NS.
fuck, this sucks. i wish i can shrink like nicole richie. and maybe get that nice fringe of hers too.

so anyway, what is a blogpost without pictures right?


i know i look like shit. but i think he looks cute. and for once he smiles in a picture with me.
he always refuses to smile in pictures with me. but yet he took a picture with an idiotic stuffed bear and smiled like the frickin chesire cat from alice in wonderland. like seriously, wtf.

damn.. i am already missing this silly idiot so bad.

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