Sunday, January 14, 2007

fuck the chicken in the egg.

survey sucks. total ownage.
i tried the puke inducing sweet smile method. but i am just not cutesy enough to get people to agree to do the frickin survey.
i tried the authoritative method. make the aunties think its a must-do kinda thing. didn't work.
i tried the pleading method.
me: 'auntie we ask while yu wait for number lahh... very fast one. 5 minute!'
auntie: 'cannot lah! i very busy! i must wait the number! later they call me i cannot hear!'
walau.. since when is WAITING for something=very busy ah?
i tried the confounding method. and i think that works best. do it like the penguins in madagascar.
anyway i am glad i have got my box office duty over and done with. i watch the aunties until i think i can do pre-registration already la.

getting people to do the survey is hard. doing the survey is even harder.
but after awhile it all became mechanical. like a survey robot.


on friday i had to survey this uncle. he has messy hair and wore yellow. avoid him like the plague!!!!!
it was a goner from the beginning. cos he had bad breath. and he kept spitting on me. and he kept stepping on my feet. till i ended up squirming away from him. but he kept inching forward. so i squirm away more. which ended up in a final scenario of us taking up 3 seats.
fuck sia. he didn't even apologise for stepping on my feet damn hard. even though i pointedly said "OW."bastard!
and he is FUCKING LUO SUO with completely irrelevant stories. feel my pain.
going on and on about how uber japanese medical services are. so i said "oh, ok." typical disinterested answer to get him to shut the fuck up. but he went on and on. i was seriously contemplating telling him the japanese might have killed and raped his relatives in the war to stop his pro-japanese ramble.
and then he went on to chinese medicine. and he insisted that medical students should all study chinese medicine. i said "well i have no interest. those who have go study lor. personal interest and choice what." he said 'NO! you must study it!" and he even went so far as to say that we will all have to use chinese medicine from china if we wanto do trade with china cos china will make us buy it. WTF!? can the government catch him now or smtg?
and then he started saying western medicine sucks. and he blames his doctor if his condition is bad cos the doctor should give him proper medicine to make his diabetes ok. the patient should not be the one to have to exercise and eat healthy to control the condition. omg... delusions ftw. and if he really thinks western med sucks, what the fuck is he doing here waiting at the polyclinic anyways? lame ass.
the most owning bit is when he asked me "which comes first. chicken or egg?"
walau. either answer also confirm get a bull shit long story from him. so i said "aiya can we not talk about this cos it will take forever."
and he said "SEE! i told yu japanese are great! cos if yu ask any japanese kid, he will very confidently tell yu egg!" in the process i was showered in spit. knn.
"yu have a chicken from the egg. but yu don't know the parents. they could be non-chickens! and they made an egg and the dna in the egg mutated so yu have a chicken! so the egg comes before the chicken."
er, okay........
to ease the pain, i pictured a phoenix mating with a crow producing a chicken. cos its damn gross and disturbing and funny and it takes my mind off the yellow old man spitting on me.
i wanted to just give up and put him as non-responder cos every question results in uber long story. but for the greater good of our stupid chp, i persisted.
and i was finally done with the survey, but he was telling me about his wife and how he let the house be in her name so she can feel assured that she will have something in the event that he is a promiscuous bastard and cheats. oh how absolutely romantic.... NOT.
i was dying from the damage per second.. and resigned to my fate cos stupid wayne ignored my pleading eyes for rescue when he walked past. until manny rescued me. chunli ftw :)
and at the end the uncle even got the cheek to say "she's very patient. very good! cos a doctor must be patient."
good lord. i felt like i was on mtv boiling point. just that i didn't get any money. or i was on punk'd. but there was no ashton kutcher.

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