Thursday, January 25, 2007

uber super really final final data

warning : angst ahead

if yu think survey sucks, come do data analysis.
welcome to my life.
after 3 days of hell, i would really like to say data analysis is over. but it is not.
i suspect it is cos manny wayne and me are unfortunate enough to have a small group of 3 analysing a whole lot of bullshit. and only manny truly knows what is going on in the confounding pile of statistics shit. so all 3 of us end up putting in hell alot more time. and in case someone is thinking of giving me a bad peer review for saying this, i am not meaning that other teams put in less effort. but cos we have fewer people, the denominator is smaller so each person has more work, as opposed to dividing the work by like 5 people. gosh i hate being politcally correct cos it is so longwinded.
and so each day we chiong like shit, hoping to finish by that day itself so that the presentation team can get the shit faster. and of course so that we dont have to come school anymore la. but fucked up shit happens, and when we are almost done, we are told that we did it wrongly. so we fucking end up doing it all frickin over again. and i think we analysed the same bullshit data 4 frickin times. which is fucking hell alot if yu look at the fucking amount of questions there are under health belief. and also include the fucking amount of confounders for each fucking question. and yes i am fucking pissed off about data analysis if yu cant already tell by looking at the fucking number of fucks there are in this fucking blogpost.
so the data was first named data. then we had to redo, so final data. then redo, so final final data. then redo, so super final data. then fucking redo again, so finally it is called uber final data. cos i decided to just write over the old file cos too many redo-s, i fucking ran out of names for the fucking data.
and after all this fucked up shit, some appreciation would be most welcome. but the bloody tutor has obviously not done analysis for such a study before, cos he walzes in and asks us to analyse in further detail. !&#@(*^@*($^!*&$^(!&* even fuck cannot express how i feel. i seriously wanted to shave his head and make him cry. and he frickin undermined my intelligence the bastard. anyway i hate him, and i am probably going to get a bad review from him cos i made it clear to him that i hate him. knn.

so 3 days of late lunches and dinners, back shoulder and neck aches, fucked up spss which is damnshit hard to use (did yu know that when yu shift stuff, the frickin title disappears?!?!?!?! have to frickin 'insert new title' and retype in all the titles again. fucking shithole.), fucking confounding statistics like prevalence rate ratio risk estimate confidence intervals chi squared test p value mann whitney test N-Par test 2 independent samples T-test crosstabulations stratification descriptive statistics proving associations confounders prevalence rate
i am obviously fucking losing my mind.
and even after all this shit, i still dont feel confident abt EBM for COFM pros. riiight... some help this CHP is.
CHP really fucking damn hell shit sucks. i missed tuition, thats frickin 75 bucks. and i feel like a free labour sucker doing all this data analysis. people are actually paid to do this shit!!!! wtf.. and relationships are strained.
seriously.. what is CHP for. i find no reason in it. since the absolutely wonderful tutor said to use my intellect and not rely on p values and confidence intervals, then WTF are we doing the analysis for? if significance is not an issue, and intellect is the key, then even before project start can conclude already what. like who dunno health beliefs and health seeking behaviour will influence health outcome. ccb. there is absolutely no fucking reason at all in this stupid fucked up project.
2 more days of data analysis this week. and then we'd better fucking be done.

and this is enough angst from me tonight.

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