Thursday, April 13, 2006

wento suntec to use my 2 $5 kenny roger's vouchers with bryan.
finally satisfied my mac and cheese craving!
on our way there, i saw a new restaurant.

beppu menkan japanese noodle restaurant

my first ever workplace. and that place is pure hell to work at man. at least the china square branch was. busy like fuck! and not just busy, but busy with demanding working class shits who think they're so damn big deal. lunch time is pure running to and fro serving like a crazy bitch.
turnover is so high tt the bowls and spoons are all used up then cannot serve cos the bowls havent washed yet! like how fucked up is that right. haha

but it was quite an experience working there la. all the convicts! plus we made quite a few friends and we all pakat-ed to leave the place tgth hehheh the boss was pissed! hmm. nice memories no matter how shit the work conditions were.

i miss seeing minjia, xian and beng everyday like i did back then!
i miss the friends we made. all the funny malaysians with their funny chinese accents. after working there for just one frickin month i got influenced and the people at starbucks thought i was malaysian ah lian! wtf!! one day i was taking a cab and the stupid cabby thought i was malaysian. and when he asked and i told him i was in medicine he said that i dont look like a doctor at all. and he told me to go be a 'gangster doctor'. in his words it was 'liu mang yi sheng'. like when gangster gang fight then injured but dont dare go hospital, can come find me. like wtf!?!?!? i do not take that as a compliment. ok i sidetracked.
i miss the tehcino and milo dino we had for breakfast everyday after setting up and while waitin for the crazy lunch crowd
i miss the food! the unagi rice, curry rice, beef ramen with one chili, age dashi tofu.. and we used to request to add an egg too remember, xian? haha. but i refuse to pay to eat there. yu know how yu don't feel like paying for stuff after yu see how its prepared? plus its quite ex too.
i miss the blueberry ice cream we used to share every lunch time for about $2 plus after staff discount.
i miss the free planet fitness membership. after work we'd go there for sauna and a nice bath! and then maybe we'd work for dinnertime which is purely getting paid to stand around. i like.

but i'm still glad i quit. cos if i didn't move on to starbucks, i'd never meet my bryan! :)

anyway after that we wento watch inside man.
my fav part of the show is when the poor sikh hostage got kicked out of the bank and all the police were going mad cos they thought he's arab or some shit and the sikh guy was so pissed he was like i'm sikh! not arab! and then they thought there's a bomb in his turban and they ripped it off. then later in the diner when they were trying to get info from him he refused to speak until he got his turban back. HAHA!!!!!
anyway i think its a nice show overall.. but with some unneccessary rubbish.
like jodie foster. redundant shit role la. i hated her stupid haughty air too.
and the kinky handcuff sex part denzel washington is supposed to have with some girl.. like wtf is that for? luckily they dint show any of it though.
and then the necessary parts like the swearing they go censor it off. idiots.

anyway i have a new tagboard now cos gummy and minjia complain cannot tag the old one.
but i like my old one so i'm not removing it yet..
so tag me more since i have 2 tagboards now!

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