Sunday, April 09, 2006

happy 21st nat!

happy 21st nat! :)

nat's bday was super fun!
started off with dinner at restaurant ember at hotel 1929.
everyone looked damn good that night! esp nat in her pink dress and curls. damn pretty!
and every course was frickin good! i ate them all though i dont usually eat soft shell crabs or scallops.

as we were eating the softshell crab, we heard wayne whisper -its so pretty- to the plate of soft shell crab
!?!?!? wtf wayne!!
he also made a huge fuss about how the waitress arranged his plate so the green glob of wasabi pointed north/south and wanted to shift it east/west to test if anyone would be anal enough to come shift it back to north/south position. -_-
i havent seen wayne for so long i had actually forgotten how retarded he is. but sitting opposite him for a whole dinner brought it all back.

i got a really big lobster for the 3rd dish and i was super frickin happy cos i love lobster but i hardly get to eat lobster so i was gloating like shit. i even took a picture of it! (check out pics from lynn's blog. i have no pics cos i dint bring my cam) after all that satisfaction abt a big lobster, the main course came. and i was damn sad cos my beef tenderlion was frickin small!!!!
i'd trade a big lobster for a big beef anytime!!!!!!
liana was damn happy i had a small beef cos i was being such an ass abt my big lobster.
but after seeing me so sad she decided to convince me that they do beef by weight.
i dont believe :(
either that or my beef was filled with blood so very heavy.
zhong was the only one to have the fish with damn nice mushrooms. and being zhong he was eating damn slow. so all of us had finished and he still had half his dish left. and he made the mistake of taking a break. immediately wayne said -eh zhong pass the fish- and gummy and me aimed for the mushrooms. poor zhong was like -oi! oi! i'm not done yet!!- hahaha. we are all bloody vultures. i wish the main course was free flow instead of the bread free flow!!!!!!
and then before dessert, nat's mom gave a damn sweet speech and her dad gave a damn funny speech. then we sang the birthday song with a eclair mountain cake!

after dinner we went on down to mos. my first time clubbing! yes shit i am damn suaku right.
liana drove us down in her nice smelling car. it is nice to sit in a nice smelling car instead of an ambi puke scented car. but it is nice get lifts either way so i will shutup and stop complaining now.
wayne the master of clubbing gave us a tour of mos but he couldn't get into pure cos he's under 25. haha sucker!!!! but gummy and i went in cos we're babes and all babes can go in regardless of age. its boring inside though. just white with cushy bed like things which we wanted to sit on before leaving the place but they were all taken up. and on the dance floor were 2 old gay shits dancing tgth. like.. okay.
then we wento our vip room. damn cool, we had a nice little red room all to ourselves as our base! nat gave a birthday speech asking us to get drunk and go crazy in honour of her, then we had our drinks then we wento dance!
wento retro first. gummy and i found it rather boring cos the music sucked so we left for r&b but it was too full. i dunno whats it called. smoove?
so we wento the main dance floor which was playing fucking trance which sucked.
so we tried r&b again and waited till we got in. i dont know whats with the damn cage there but it was packed like shit inside the cage. how the fuck to dance when its so packed? can barely move yur head man. so we found a spot outside the cage. r&b was fun cos the music was good!
took a break then we wento retro which was playing nicer music so it was fun too. :)
after this virgin clubbing experience, i'm sorry but i really don't see whats the big deal about mos. its so damn packed and the trance on the main dance floor sucks. only r&b is for me, but the room is too fucking small. most of the club is just like connecting walkways? i dont know why bryan was going on and on about how nice mos is. i suspect its only cos he managed to get a free bottle of chivas regal thats why, that alcoholic bastard.

by the end of the night, the vip room stinked of puke.
like a warzone with many many casualties.
i see them puke but i dunno what to do.
like shall i pat yur back to make yu puke it all out?
or shall i give yu water? but after drinking yu'll be like drinking the puke in yur mouth back in.
i puked before too and aint no one can help yu. yu just gotta puke it all out and then get better yurself.
after my pink puke incident in philly im glad i had the sense not to get wasted. cos i know i get fucking stupid when i drink too much. like really fucking stupid. more stupid than i already am, if yu can actually imagine that.

took a mercedes cab back with mark and manny.
halfway thru, mark was like- shit i feel like puking..-
and manny and me thought he was just kidding around.
then suddenly - blleh-
waa i think the uncle was fucking pissed man. ruin his merc.

reached back at 4plus dead tired from dancing in those fucking wedges that i can barely walk in. and my bloody hair smelt like smoke. took a shower and dropped dead till this morning when i woke up to go do my hair!
dyed and highlighted and treatmented and cut it!
yes its back to my ah lian days again!
i am a golden lion tamarin! or whatever that stupid like monkey thing is called.
it was damn ex- $202. but i like my hair now so i guess its worth it.
the hair wash was super shiok.. got head massage one. head orgasm? if theres such a thing. haha
and my hair has the nice salon smell now.. mm!

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