Friday, April 14, 2006


bryan is going in on 9june!!! :(
i see him practically everyday even if just for a few minutes cos we live so near each other.
and we talk every night, even during exam time.
and soon i can only see him once a week. dont think can talk on phone much also.
damnit la!!!!
i am trying to look on the bright side that i will have more time for my own friends. but they will have their boyfriends so no one's gonna give a fuck about me!
oh well i guess at least my handphone bill will go down.

i blog quite alot now which equals to i'm frickin free!!!
it is fun to live aimlessly but i'm getting abit sick of doing housework while my mum's at work.
i especially hate to run around like a headless chicken bringing the clothes in when it suddenly starts to freaking rain!!!
so, anyone who is free msg me larr.
minjia! xian! hurry up and get yur bloody exams over with so we can go out!
jingy is coming back in may.. can't wait! :)
can't wait for zhuan and olly to come back too :) even though
stupid zhuan is going on foodie outings with everyone except me! hmpf.

i was reading the papers and i realised there are quite many new movies out!
like 16blocks, firewall, mirrormask (i dunno if i remembered the name correctly), hostel..
i wanto watch hostel! though its supposedly the scariest movie of the year which would result in me being fricking humji like after i watched emily rose and skeleton key. but its by quentin tarantino! so must watch. he films some interesting shit. weird yes. but interesting!

eh! anyone wanto watch vendetta?? wayne and me wanto watch but we need someone to join us if not we will definitely piss the shit out of each other. then we'l kill each other and then manny will have no cg mates. damn sad cos we can't find anyone to watch with cos everyone watch alr!!!! please watch with us!

on thursday idiot bryan had a sudden craving for indian fast food. and the bugger made me drive all the way to little india which is HELL to drive in! plus he got lost so we were going round and round in unfamiliar turf which frickin sucks when yu're driving and yu gotta suddenly change lanes from left to right in a fucking busy road. plus i needed to pee so badly.
and it turns out the place he wanted to eat at was komala's. like wtf!? he could have just said so cos i know there's a branch at east coast and we wldn't have had to go all the way down to little india!? -_-
the worst part was i dint like the food.
and i thought it was quite pricey for just fried dough/gee whatever.
i've decided that i'll just stick to prata, naan, murtabak and briyani.
no thanks to thosai, masala, poori and whatnot.
i'll have meepok anytime man, sorry. haha.

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