Wednesday, May 14, 2008


back from a super weekend in boston with my sis.
which was great fun, even though something bad happened to me every single day there.

first day was raining like a bitch and cold like frozen hell. carrying heavy ass bags and walking uber long distances in that kinda weather aint no joke man.

second day, i dropped my camera while attempting to take some retard photo. hard. and the lens smashed in assymetrically. so the lens couldnt be retracted in anymore, and the images on the camera were blurry so the camera just couldnt function. and so i spent 30 minutes in faneuil hall marketplace whining and blaming all corners of the world while my sister patiently waited (secretly dulan with me). after all our pulling and pushing, i got my cam to work again. although the lens doesnt get covered by the protective metal anymore. i was so happy, i honestly cried. and what did my sis do? - take a photo of me looking absolutely retarded crying in the middle of boston. sigh.

third day, i decided to spin a souvenir penny to add to my collection. i spun once, and the coin came out wonky. so i tried again, and it was still wonky! tamade, wasted 1 dollar and 2 cents!!!!!


but still, i love boston. for the perfect weather, awesome architecture, beautiful views along the river and wharf, jealousy-inducing campuses, idiot-proof clean safe subways, the easy accessibility of everyplace with just a pair of legs, the chill vibe and most of all - LOBSTERS.
baked lobsters stuffed with cheese and scallops = intestinal orgasm. combine that with new england clam chowder and shrimp and garlic. absolutely button-bursting!!!! i did wear a button shirt that day. haha.


i also went down to MGH to kiss the wall.
it looks way nicer and more zhng than mount sinai.

and, the coffee seller wears labcoat!


following the red brick road of the freedom trail was fun. but being photo-whores and with the trail running right through downtown with all the awesome shopping, we obviously didnt complete it. hah. but nvm, cos next year i will be going back! :)

i am a little disturbed at seeing graveyards smack in the middle of downtown though.


ok library just shut the lights out on us. so update again later

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