quote of the week
"neurology is medical masturbation"
cos yu run millions of tests to find out what's wrong, but yu can't do jack shit about it.
i don't really understand his explanation, but i still think its damn funny. cos the immediate thing that came to my mind was manny. and manny+wanking in the same thought process is just zomgwtfpwnage. sorry manny!! haha ;)
i suspect it has smtg to do with wanking not orgas enough as real sex (ie surgery) lo..
surgeons all love to describe things as sexy.
appendicectomy is sexy (actually i do think open appedicectomy scar is sexy haha) and fancy surgeries are sexy..
back to the point..
damnit lah, more than half my posting is neurology! i got 10weeks worth sia.
and more paeds neuro than general neuro. wert.
all freaking mt sinai's fault. angmoh kids better be hell cute.
anyway, GS is officially over.. though i still have to go back do project lah..
but daym, no more drinks!
me being a typical kpo shit, i frickin love all the gossip that goes around at drinks sessions.
more informative than a tutorial on BGIT or wadever. not that i had a tutorial on BGIT lah.. haha
IT fair is evil.
it deceptively makes yu want almost every single freaking thing there. cos it appears cheap, so good deal must buy!! yes, that's the auntie in me.
i wanted an ipoddy, and then a laptop with my excuse being going overseas need to store photos in laptop and use internet keep in contact with people! (but my apartment no internet, so..), and then a laser printer, and a secret frivolous desire for a new camera cos they are just so hot. like wtf smile shutter. i wanted to be irritating and say, like wad if im trying to take a dao ah lian photo? haha
i have successfully eliminated 3 of them evils, but i still want the hp laser printer. $149 and it comes with cool skin.. so convenient for printing notes, which confirm chop sticker and stamp in m5 sure do hell alot. now i always have to run to photocopy auntie's shop in NUS. freaking cross country lah.
but after m5, i wont need it to print notes anymore.. plus, i just bought new inks for my photo printer at the fair. fuckk... today last day, need to decide asap!
eh, christine siew chiu hsia, reply my email lah!

Sunday, March 09, 2008
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