Monday, February 19, 2007

valentine pop

this is how i spent my valentine's

i had to be a dutiful girlfriend. and go to the 41st advance section leader course graduation parade all the way in frickin pasir laba. its 1 stop after the discovery centre. which also means its fucking far and fucking ulu. and laba disturbingly reminds me of labia, which is some disgusting anatomical bit right?


fierce.. i thought they were gonna fire. like the ndp salute shit? but chey.... they didn't. i already covered my ears in preparation lor.. morons.

this is my brownie.. all set to save the nation. check out his act-serious-and-important face. unfortunately the mood is spoilt by the moron doing a salute in the background.
i have no idea what the stupid yellow thing is for. maybe its a sweat absorber. like the headband tennis players wear. haha whatever man.

i look damn fucking fugly in this picture.. all thanks to his skinny sister, who i think is a babe. but its the only picture we had together so no choice have to post ugly picture of myself.

bryan and his adam friend.
can yu tell that adam is malay?? cannot right.. i only realised when his name tag said 'muhd adam'.
anyways, mat attack strikes again.. cos i think adam is cute. HAHA.

some neck sprain.

wheeheewhoohoo! look at them throwing the smelly barret things macam uni graduation. haha suckers! still got 1 half year to go lor...

and then we waited fuckin long for a cab back to tampines. and sat for fucking long in the cab cos of the uber jam. and then we bathed cos the walk into and out of the damn camp is crazy hot and smellyness-inducing. and then we did the romantic bullshit that couples do on valentine's. but my batt was all gone after taking pictures of the marching smeally boys so no pictures of mushy bullshit. haha

as a substitute, a picture of us on our first valentine's day!

i think its fuck funny cos we look so awkward HAHA. awkward cos he had food in his mouth, and i felt like a moron sitting alone cos the other chair is opposite so we had to take the pic like that.
and check out the colour contrast HAHA. i better go tan.

man.. we have come a long way. its been 2 and half years with my brownie.. and i'm looking forward to many more! :) i love my bryan.

haha ok enough disgusting sappy mush.


so anyways, happy new year!

i purposely painted my nails BLACK! but damn sian.. only 2 uncles commented on it.

i also decided to be less antisocial this year, so i was less bored. awesome right!

i ate hell alot of sugar gummies and cornflake raisin cookies. the bakwa all sucks cos not beechenghiang. i only like beechenghiang.
after eating a whole shitload of stuff, i weighed myself. still same! haha! damn happy.

anyway i am going to take pics of the destroyers tmr for my traditional post of THE DESTROYERS!!!!!!!!

here's a starter:

constipated destroyer #2

destroyer #1

they are totally evil but i love them. haha.

damn, family gatherings always make me miss my sis more.

this was in her uni campus in dec 2005. snow!

badly taken self shot but i like it!
this was down the escalator in her school library called the dude or smtg.
its fucking nice la. i mean, got ESCALATOR leh! if i got library lydat, i will be cao mugger lor.

at the bus stop outside her hall.

with an uber huge real christmas tree in the middle of chicago on christmas eve. that huge ass tree has some huge balls lar! but whatever, i love that tree la.
i miss those fun times we had on our holiday!

i miss yu little twit! come home soon!
hope yu're having a nice happy cny over there.. i'm "safe"-keeping yur angpows! ahhah. no la i pass to mom alr, so chill :) all the best for exams bugger! msn soon!

Friday, February 09, 2007

quotable quote

wayne: " eh manny, you want my sausage? "

randal *0*
manny *0*
me *0*

manny: " that sounded wrong. "


yesterday i got a surprise call from bryan.

bryan: " how did yu get thru 3 weeks without me? got think of me anot? "
me: " of course got la... "
bryan: " i thought about yu for the past 3 days only.. cos the rest of the days too damn busy and too damn cold. no time to think about yu. "
me: "... wtf. "

where is the love?

but still, i am glad that my idiot is coming back tmr!
finally the countdown is down to just hours.


today i went running. looks like cofm primary prevention is finally getting to me.
anw, tmdknn all the ah pek overtake me can! damn no face lar.
i am so frickin unfit that my thighs damn pain now and i think i am going to die of lactic acidosis.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

lynn: " i tried putting my ipod into the small inside pocket of my fbt shorts when i jog. but it kept bouncing around. it felt like a penis. damn irritating. "
zhong: " huh? i don't find my penis irritating leh. "

i guess that is why lynn is a girl, and zhong is a boy. and it had better remain that way.

and i am still wondering how lynn knows what a penis feels like. maybe she is like actually from thailand or smtg.... NOT! or at least i hope not.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

saturated brain. saturated fat.

what better way to finish off a day reading abt fucked up diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases than a uber dinner at popeyes.

we enjoyed a variety of foods the pyramid way: 1 serving of coke, 2 servings chicken, rice and alternatives 2 servings: mash potato and buttermilk biscuit
like manny said - trim and remove visible fat, and place in mouth.

nice. :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

utter retardedness

here yu go meowf koe.

The Wild Rose
Random Brutal Love Dreamer (RBLDf)

shmolorful, but unpicked. You are The Wild Rose.

Prone to bouts of cynicism, sarcasm, and thorns, you excite a certain kind of man. Hoping to gather you up, he flirts and winks and asks you out, ultimately professing his love. Then you make him bleed. Why? Because you're the rare, independent, self-sufficient kind of woman who does want love, but not from a weakling.

You don't seem to take yourself too seriously, and that's refreshing. You aren't uptight; you don't over-plan. Romance-wise, sex isn't a top priority--a true relationship would be preferable. For your age, you haven't had a lot of bonafide love experience, though, and this kind of gets to core of the issue. You're very selective.

Your exact opposite:
The Dirty Little Secret

Deliberate Gentle Sex Master
The problem is them, not you, right? You have lofty standards that few measure up to. You're out there all right, but not to be picked up by just anyone.

"You're never truly single as long as you have yourself."

ALWAYS AVOID: The Bachelor

CONSIDER: The Vapor Trail.

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.

wtf, the test results make me sound evil.
and i wonder if bryan is the vapor trail. sounds like fart though. but cool fart, cos my fart doesn't leave a trail.

fuck, i must be really bored to take the test. saturday nights without bryan suck. damn frickin boring la. like frickin hell, i'm studying on a saturday night?!?!? disgusting. that's only allowed when pros are REALLY near.
and the test was damn long la. i must be stupid. why did i listen to meowfkoe. oh ya, cos i was bored.
fuck sian. i'd rather do anything else but study.
fuck the adrenoceptors. cheebye.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

so maybe data will be over afterall. touch wood and everything else!
i am proud to announce that i have not touched data since last fri! AWESOME la :)
and today the presentation was finished! interestingly, the profs found the presentation interesting. i suspect it has smtg to do with natkoh making cofm so damn sexy :) hehheh
uber presenters, uber report/presentation group, and uber question-answerers like jianri so calm in his scotland bomber jacket, and rodney with his owning pakistan study. zomg :)
so now that my bit in CHP is totally outta the way, i guess life can be back to normal. normal being mugging like a bitch, cos the damn pros are a month away. sad realisation of what med school life is.

i am getting increasingly happier cos my countdown is now single digit! yippeeyay! :)
i know i shd be studying hard now since he's not here, but i'm too distracted thinking abt him. and when he's back, i'll be too distracted with the real him. ok this is not making sense. but either way, i feel pretty doomed...
aiya.. shit! cannot be like that. i frickin just lugged home a huge file of pharmaco notes from zairu.. must study!!!!! cannot waste the energy lugging all that shit home!

and don't go back!!!! :(