Friday, February 09, 2007

quotable quote

wayne: " eh manny, you want my sausage? "

randal *0*
manny *0*
me *0*

manny: " that sounded wrong. "


yesterday i got a surprise call from bryan.

bryan: " how did yu get thru 3 weeks without me? got think of me anot? "
me: " of course got la... "
bryan: " i thought about yu for the past 3 days only.. cos the rest of the days too damn busy and too damn cold. no time to think about yu. "
me: "... wtf. "

where is the love?

but still, i am glad that my idiot is coming back tmr!
finally the countdown is down to just hours.


today i went running. looks like cofm primary prevention is finally getting to me.
anw, tmdknn all the ah pek overtake me can! damn no face lar.
i am so frickin unfit that my thighs damn pain now and i think i am going to die of lactic acidosis.

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