Thursday, February 01, 2007

so maybe data will be over afterall. touch wood and everything else!
i am proud to announce that i have not touched data since last fri! AWESOME la :)
and today the presentation was finished! interestingly, the profs found the presentation interesting. i suspect it has smtg to do with natkoh making cofm so damn sexy :) hehheh
uber presenters, uber report/presentation group, and uber question-answerers like jianri so calm in his scotland bomber jacket, and rodney with his owning pakistan study. zomg :)
so now that my bit in CHP is totally outta the way, i guess life can be back to normal. normal being mugging like a bitch, cos the damn pros are a month away. sad realisation of what med school life is.

i am getting increasingly happier cos my countdown is now single digit! yippeeyay! :)
i know i shd be studying hard now since he's not here, but i'm too distracted thinking abt him. and when he's back, i'll be too distracted with the real him. ok this is not making sense. but either way, i feel pretty doomed...
aiya.. shit! cannot be like that. i frickin just lugged home a huge file of pharmaco notes from zairu.. must study!!!!! cannot waste the energy lugging all that shit home!

and don't go back!!!! :(

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