Monday, January 01, 2007


gawd. i absolutely hate writing reports. i have been working on this cofm bullshit since like 27dec and i'm not even half done. wtf. doing cofm is really a damn loser way to bring in the new year. shit.
cofm really sux. cos i had to travel all the way to the west to meet my patient. lucky my patient is uber nice. thanks manny and wayne for waking up at 10am and going down to teban gardens asbestos office with me, and thanks jingy for accompanying me to jelapang though yu had to journey away from town and back again. LRT rides are pseudo kid rollercoasters with amazing white-out windows. i know i am ulu, but i am seriously fascinated by the white-out function. if anyone knows how it works can tell me?

anyway, welcome back manny! i am glad that yu caught an early flight home, cos i would be shit worried and fear my doom to the torture of being in a cg with wayne only, if yu were not back and the bombings happened. but anyway i wouldn't know of the bombings if yu hadn't told me.. so, haha. but i am glad yu are back anyways. and i hope i have a present. haha.

holidays are almost over, and i have not done all that i wanted to do! as usual.. the lazy procrastinator.
i have not met zhuan, minjia and olivia again.
i have not gone swimming with the judogirls.
i have not done my scrapbook for my trip last year.
and alot of other stuff. shit.
to add more stuff to-
after my report is done, i shall change my blog skin! cos i kinda screwed up my template, so might as well get new template for a new year.

ok, i just wanted to write this so i'd be writing something other than cofm.
and now i shall sleep!
i wanto go watch borat tmr! cultural learnings of america for make benefit glorious nation of kazahkstan!
i suspect it will be an embarrasing event though, cos bryan has already warned me that he is going to laugh fucking loud in the theatre at every little thing. that bastard.

oh ya, happy new year :)

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