Tuesday, December 12, 2006

alpha 231, alpha 231, proceeding to hotel 5

ambulance run was 9pm-8am today, but i am frickin awake here at 1pm.
cos yst only got 3 calls, and they were all consecutive. so from 2am-7am, all 4 of us were sleeping in fire station. some uber call there.
yst was a fun call though got no cute hazmat, cos got go buy prata, then got fries and blanky to sleep. i know i am missing the essence of a call, which is to save lives, but oh well.
anyway, the medic and me were bored, so we were being kpo and looking thru the incidents.
and i really fucking love to read the messages left by callers! damn funny la. the english and reasons always damn fucked up.

" indians, chinese and malays are fighting. i don't know how many, they have weapon. come quick." - this caller damn free la, why must say indians chinese and malays. like as if got many other races in singapore lydat.

" people are fighting, i don't know how many. there is a car. they take a boy."

"need oxygen. come quick"

and in the end, the promising assault+trauma cases usually turn out to be false alarm.
this morning we kpo abt the incidents again, and i realised that during the night, hell alot of fire alarms falsely go off! got at least 10 la. stupid alarms. always fakey go off. no wonder when the hdb lift alarm goes off, no one gives a fuck abt it and the poor bastard is stuck inside for so long.

anyway, that is the end of ambulance run, and no more hazmats for me :(
i know we are supposed to be mat-haters, but hazmats don't slash people. in fact, they save the slashed people. so i am allowed to think hazmats are cute alright.

anyway, i shall talk abt the mat incident for ppl who dunno and are interested to know.
actually i just like talking abt it cos it was one of the rare times that i got to feel important in the ed hahaha. not really doctorish important, but just doing noob stuff like supporting patient, setting plug and also being carrier pigeon conveying messages for the little punkz.
anyway it was on one of our self-imposed night call days, with dr lai the shandelzare. frickin uber terror aura la, call with her always got trauma one.
anyway we just kinda settled one standby case, then our favorite sound in the ed started buzzing. then 3 bloody (literally, haha) chinese boys came in. so we did a grey's anat and split the patients among us. my patient reminds me of this honkey tonk who acts as maochun in the 8pm show on channel 55. anyway, he had the most slash wounds, and he said he was attacked with baseball sticks. when we told him he is cut so cannot be sticks, then he said ' aiya then maybe they modify the sticks la'. he got many deep cuts over his arms, back, leg. so deep that his deltoid was cut in half, his elbow bone was visible, his femur was chipped and the common peroneal was gone. and in that bloody mess, he still can be so bochup- 'aiya, can i not repeat myself. can yu tell him for me?' when the ortho guy asked him what happened. and then he started yelling 'SAMUEL!' cos he wanted his friend to cancel his cards and phone line for him. and then he got really pissed and started asking 'am i going to be paralysed? am i ever going to walk again? fuck la i can't move my toes!' but later he calmed down, and when his friend was wheeled past him he said, 'eh walau, my right leg gg alr la'. dota ftw. and he even said 'hey ma, i never die leh' when his mom came.
the other 2 also damn fucked up injuries. one got his hand tendons all cut, bleeding like a bitch. need hand microsurgery. and one got one deep slash on his neck, till can see the C2 vertebrae. freaky shit. that one reminded me of kiong. as in, the face, not the bloody mess.
anyway i hope they are doing ok after their ops. maybe tmr go visit them.
then i was wondering where in tampines did this incident take place. cos damn hum get slashed by matz, so must avoid the area.
and shitting hell, the nasty mat-slash-chinese incident happened at the basketball court near my house!!!! i havent gone there to find blood stains on the floor, but i am damn hum to walk near there after 10 now. cos lights out at 10.
matz shd really just stick to opiates and midazolam.

ok this is a really long rambly post so i shall stop now before liana says this is like the prawn story.

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