Friday, April 07, 2006

there's something abt me and punctured tires.

after making bryan fetch me to school which ended in a punctured tire for froggy, i drove over a fucking huge nail and punctured my right back tire.
i have no frickin idea how it happened, but we only realised after i parked the car. something abt the air only all going out after yu actually stop the car. ?! whatever. i dunno.
lucky it only cost 7bucks to patch it.
they pulled out the nail then stuffed some other shit in. and then they sprayed some shit on it and the mechanic grinned at me and said 'put conditioner for it'.
and then it was done.
i was like 'how is this different from a nail being in the tire!?'

i drive quite alot now.
drove to katong for custard puffs and tarts, cupcakes, kaya toast, eggs and kopi for breakfast today. it cost frickin $10.20!!? that is some big money man. i think i shd really have been a baker like how i wanted to when i was pri 2 haha.
anyway about my driving. today i engaged in a staring fight with this ass motorcyclist. it was quite fun actually cos he gave up halfway. i love the feeling when i win a staring fight. hehheh i did lots of that when i was small so i have sufficient training to win! :) hahaha stupid ass motorcyclist. can't win then dont start a fight la.

ok shit i need to go pick my mum now. later!!

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