Thursday, March 16, 2006

i hate study break.
too many days at home makes me feel like a frickin hermit crab.
i am bored to shit. i am sick of studying from CAs. even when i try to study, not much goes in. and i think tt's such a damn waste of time. since im not doing proper studying, why ain't i out enjoying myself rather than torturing myself for what shit use? damnit.
i need to get out of my house. out of my fucking claustrophobic room.
but they tore down the coffee bean at the airport so i have nowhere to mug with manny.
i like US but its so damn frickin far. and i need bryan to be workin to get free drinks.

reason #2 to hate test-exam period-
i missed xian's and beng's bday.
beng's was an indirect miss cos my mom felt i dint work hard for CAs so i shdn't dare go enjoy myself.
its like their frickin 21st bday which only comes once in a lifetime and i missed it.
i feel like shit. i am a fucking lousy friend.

screw this life. what the fuck am i doing.

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