Sunday, November 26, 2006

i owe yu one.

i would really like to blog about my birthday surprise, which was really a surprise cos my birthday is in august. birthday surprises always work on me cos they always come so late that i don't even think about my birthday anymore and even when the surprise comes, i don't even know the surprise is for me. but i still do love the surprise party , late or not, so please don't stop them coming! oh, but please minus out those freaky party poppers. i hate those.
ok i'm digressing. well, i really wanto blog about it before my friends all think i am an ungrateful fucker, and then they won't throw me anymore surprise parties! omg.. no!!!!
but i have no photos.. and what is a blogpost without photos riiight.
so, all the bitches with photos from that night, send them to me man.
yu can send to my gmail, or yu can send me when i'm on msn!

shit, i should really start bringing my own camera around.

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