Tuesday, June 20, 2006

when the cat's away, the mice will play!

the only good part about bryan being away is that now i've got so much time to meet my friends!
damn.. boys take up such alot of time. i'm sorry to all my friends out there who i haven't met up with as much as i'd like to. please meet me now!
however, the pathetic 3 week holiday is about to be over!
noo!! :(
so, i have crammed in as much as i can this week so it will be as fun as last week.
meeting zhuan, minjia, jingy, xiany, manny, beng and nicely slotted in at the end of it all is bryan.
everything is working out nicely! :) i am a happy girl.. that is, till school starts again.

last week was great!
tuesday was spent with my little cg back at sgh for a secret tutorial! where we saw TB ileitis. hehheh are yu guys freaking out now/ thinking we're freaks??
nahh we just went back to take pictures with our tutors- mainly the original rat baby and his clone ( fat doctors with little hair make good tutors) and the super sub. we also kept reminding them that we'd be back. and we only stopped after they finally said the magic words ' gimme a call when yu guys are back/ when yu guys need help ' :) not kiasu lar, just wanto make sure i pay $17000/year for smtg useful righttttt...
original rat baby ( i have to keep adding in original, cos rat baby = wayne. original rat baby=tutor, who also happens to be wayne's idol) is somehow always in the scope room which is also the home of watery explosive farts. fart zone is also the place where we presented stuff the most times. runner-up is the OT. damn i hated changing up into the baju just for presenting. anyway wayne will probably have the best memory of these 2 places, cos i think he got rapings in both rooms. i will only remember wanting a mask so badly in the scope room. that is, if masks can filter off farts.
after that, we met zhong, gummy and moth for some retarded fun and backstabbing at settler's cafe.
halfway thru the game, zhong had to go shift his car. so he gave instructions to wayne over the phone-
' i'm the thief, steal from the bishop.'
kpo passerby lady - !??!? while staring at zhong.
after that chek, manny, gummy, moth and me went on to arab street for alaturka!
arab street parking is hell. i had to approach a guy in a suzuki swift to ask if he was leaving, and after that chek and me had to dash to the lot to chope it cos there was a sneaky shit of a car lurking around. however, parking at night is also free!
alaturka was nice, though im not really a fan of not knowing what im eating. next time, i shall special request that they put little signboards for the dip platter.

wednesday was mambo night!
which was also my first time in zouk. after all those times we wanted to go mambo, we finally went!
music wasn't great. wasn't all retro so the platform retards just stood around smoking when they couldn't act cool. the retro songs mostly weren't nice. not nice=i don't know them. if i don't know and don't like the song then i can't dance to it. but i forgive them, cos they played video killed a radio star. man, i love that song! and also cos it was free anyway. ahaha

thursday was swimming! with manny and beng, and a fish and co lunch to put back whatever ounce i lost. it was fun! though i dont know how i dragged myself out of bed at 10 when i slept at like 5 after the match.
we did some shopping after. and i found myself a new swimsuit, though i hardly swim.
so i said i'd think about it. buti dragged my mom to go buy it the next day. oops.
it was like 39.20 for an adidas swimsuit. so i think i got myself a good buy!
this is totally unrelated to swimming, but i love the adidas ad!
i just found out on thursday that it has 3 parts! and they are all freaking funny!! man i love it!
i dont know why they only show 1 part on tv, but they show all 3 parts in adidas shops on repeat. and beng, manny and me just stood in front of the counter laughing :) okay, maybe it was just me. but seriously, go check it out!

saturday, i met up with zhuan and minjia. it has to be zhuan and minjia and never minjia only cos when i smsed her to meet, she said wait for zhuan to come back. ?!?!?! mean ass!! so its not worth meeting just me!!! i hope yu read this mj! haha.
but still, it was great fun meeting again. we meet according to the australia med school term which takes damnnnnn long, but we never run out of things to say no matter how long we dont see each other. and i like how we have kinda the same views on most things. i love great friends like these! yet another reason why i miss jc so!

yes, so thats the end of my great week.
next week, i wanto eat sushi buffet and watch 'just my luck' with zhuan and minjia, swim and hope i get roasted golden brown but not burnt. ohmygawd! i just realised getting a tan is like cooking! and sadly, i cant do both. i wanto finally see my bryan again. and bring jude out with him for cars with salted popcorn and nachos and cheese! and watch world cup with him. poor deprived bryan hasnt watched a single world cup match! it would be fun if we could watch the england-sweden match tgth, cos i support sweden and he roots for england.
yayy next week is fun!

shit la, after postings starts, how am i gonna watch world cup!
as it is, i already have problem staying up though i sleep all day.
fuck. and all the good matches are just starting.

damn, i am feeling abit bad now cos when bryan called me just now to talk , i was watching desperate housewives which i have been waiting all week and day to watch and i was rather distracted. and in the end he got the hint and let me watch my show in peace. oops, am i a mean bitch? i am sorry!


just out of interest

does anyone else besides me find calling yur boy/girlfriend 'baby' disgusting? baby is a word that belongs in songs only, or for real life babies which drool.
i totally do not get calling yur other half baby. it makes my skin crawl.
i'd rather yu make out in front of me than call each other baby. seriously.

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