Wednesday, April 19, 2006

right. next monday e clinics start. at frickin 7am.

how in the hell did 3 weeks just go by like that?

even before e clinics start i know im doomed. cos i have nothing to wear.
cos i was too lazy to go out shopping. and gummy dint prod me to go out shopping with her. and i hardly shop when i go out with bryan cos he puts on the bored boyfriend face.
so i'm gonna have a first and last attempt at work-clothes shopping on friday before the double partys with gummy. i hope i can find something!!! i dont wanto go naked. and i know no one wants that too!

if i dint check wrongly, i think i got SGH.
damn.. i was kinda hoping either CGH or AH.
CGH cos damn near my house. like one bus stop away!
AH cos damn near ikea. can eat meatballs and hotdogs and softserve ice cream everyday!
but SGH is ok too cos its nearer than NUH and no need change train like for TTSH.
ok so i am quite contented.

its book buying season again.
all my money!!!! all gone!!!!
but i really love the smell of new books. fricking nice la. i really love it.
i can sniff at them for ages like some druggie.
ok some books have a really fucked up smell. but i think the m2 books were all really nice smell. especially katzung. probably cos i used katzung the least so it retained the most new smell. heehee.
gee i hope the m3 books smell nice too!!! :)
i only have talley so far. i think i shall go give it a sniff test now.

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