Saturday, March 15, 2008


as punishment for my abuse of the grasp reflex, i got 3 episodes of incredibly terrible colic that woke me from a snooze on the sofa followed by 1 episode of constipation then 2 episodes of explosive diarrhea. like, have yu ever had a shit wake yu from sleep?! gawd, damn terrible lah.
the initial constipation scares me though, cos all i can think of is spurious diarrhea and despite not being hardworking much in GS, i know that is BAD.

this incredibly cute kid who looks slightly syndromic (i'm starting to wonder if i'm sane and normal, cos i'm increasingly finding some syndromic kids cute) with a rather nice name (adel rais, although sometimes sounds like edelweiss) was cutely lying in his little bed and looking at me above his CPAP nose prongs. so i decided to abuse the grasp reflex: where yu offer yur finger to the kid's palm and cos of the grasp reflex they'll hold yur finger. its a cheap thrill thing, like as if the kid likes yu so much that he won't let go, when actually he just can't help it lah.
anyway, turns out he has rotavirus. and BOs 13x/day.
touching wood and everything else, but so far i've not shitted since last night's explosive episodes. basically cos a nurse saved my ass and yelled not to touch the baby cos he got rotavirus, so my finger stopped like 1cm away from him.


today we wento measure mantoux. damnit, 20mm requiring CXR. i was in expiration phase when the lady zapped me, so i'm feeling paranoid and really hope they don't make me take again cos inadequately inspired. argh.

i wento the mount sinai webpage to print the medical status form. and daym, those bastards have upped the prices of an elective! USD300 application fee and USD500 tuition fee. DEAR GOD!
luckily i'm not affected. poor future buggers have all my pity. i'm already getting drained dry at the current price.

as proof of expensive living in new york, a hooker cost some guy in a current scandal $4000+!
like, wert.

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