november is my new birthday month
thanks for the celebration guys.
as usual, i didn't know it was my birthday. and as usual, manny is good at sucky lying. last time it was mints, this time it was i had stuff to do at home. wad stuff? stuff lah. that is so un-manny. very wayne, but un-manny, but still i didn't suspect anything cos it was supposed to be gummy's birthday celebration.
anyways, pitstop was great. cos its empty and yu can scream and laugh for all yu're worth without feeling too idiotic. i hate brainy games that require common sense, cos i really do have none. poor lynn had to pair with me for cranium and lose cos i spelt jettison as jettinson. hah.
steamboat after was good too, though i've decided i'm not a fan of ma la. tmd chili oil impermeates all the floaty cooked stuff, esp the white fishcakey thing with a hole in the middle. that hole is a perfect spot for chilli flakes, oil and seeds to collect la!!! and once yur chopstick is polluted with chili oil, there's no turning back cos yu can't pollute the chicken soup side or yu'd get fucked by the non-chili people for burning their tongues.
after that we wento wayne's house as usual, cos its the only house with alcohol.
manny and me were the first team to arrive, and we decided to do martian hellos to all the cars passing wayne's house, just for fun and cos we're weird. it was manny's idea really.
and later, i won $1.80 at holdem. my first win!
btw, thanks manny for the lifts to and fro!
i like the driving-manny, cos she gets angry and actually gave someone the finger!!!!!
"road rage is fun when yu're the one doing it" or smtg like that. haha!
but she says only to do it in situations when yu won't have to stop or the person can come out and bash yu up.
i say, do it anytime anywhere! especially when yu're in a pissy mood. great therapy for the angsty soul.
one week of sgh o&g is over, and wayne always gets the weird ass funny tutors.
le coq has a kennethmak aura, rat baby hair, a sharp mean tongue and funny-ass comments so that though he's pwning the crap out of yu, yu just can't help but laugh like shit.
i was assisting an op by le coq after my tutor abandoned me (and pissing my pants cos i really dont know how to assist), and then i was told to suction while he cauterised.
so i suction the blood lah.
MO said, no suck the smoke.
so i suction the smoke lah.
but the stupid smoke wouldn't disappear into the sucker, and kept spiralling up uncontrollably. so i chased the fucking spirals with the sucker. after alot of me shaking of the sucker all around, lecoq couldn't stand me anymore and said "just hold it still at the start, don't wave it around like a wand!"
zomg pwned.
for the last op, wayne and me were assisting. it was the finishing bit of stitching up the rectus sheath and everyone was carefully retracting silently for my tutor to get a good view of the rectus sheath. then suddenly a loop of bowel popped up through gap in the sheath, and wayne said: ooh.
immediately everyone turned to him, and lecoq said: what, why?
wayne: er, nothing.
lecoq: yu are always making inappropriate noises.
after just 1 week together, i wonder what made him say always.
wayne must really suck, haha.
otherwise, sgh is really pretty boring. filled with garrulous harpy climacteric incontinent fogies.
gawd, i hate o&g for painting a bleak future for all ladies.
apart from the occasional sweet heart warming birth (which inadvertently comes with ALOT of pain, so really what is the cost-benefit ratio?), all we have are pms, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, contraception (which are all pretty gross in terms of side effects, except maybe yasmin. but i still say stick to the stupid condoms lah), becoming a whale, abdo distension, cysts fibroids endometriosis adenomyosis CIN 1 to infinity and omg dont even talk abt the climacteric

Sunday, December 02, 2007
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