Thursday, June 28, 2007

because yu don't need talent if yu have a twin!

ping: hey pong!
pong: hi. .. ..
ping: pong, why yu look so glum?
pong: i just got my driving license...
ping: then yu shd be happy what!!!
pong: i know, but, they gave me an F in sex..

i love ping and pong!
and i think pong is the stupider one. but i have to listen to more adventures of ping and pong to conclude.


everyday i wake up wishing i would see palm trees against the bright blue sky, and walk out into california sunshine with breezy wind blowing so its not that hot. then just chill and bum the day away with my mum and sis in some cafe/park/by the pool, or do idiotic touristy things. and have good american food and shopping, and later at night, good american tv.

but everyday i wake up and see ugly angsana or wadever shit tropical trees and hdb blocks obscuring the blue sky which somehow just ain't the same shade of blue as the california sky i admired everyday. and i realise i have to trudge 15 damned minutes to the mrt, and by then i'd be drowning in sweat cos the damn weather here just fucking sucks. then squeeze with all the rest of the stupid morning rush hour crowd for a 45 minute train ride to buona vista. after which i spend close to eternity waiting in the queue for the NUH shuttle, which happens to be inches away from the very smelly public toilet and surrounded by hazardous construction. then its hours upon hours of mostly shit boring pathology lectures and i'm frickin stuck in the damn first row. when the day is finally over, its another hassle of reversing the journey i made to school. the only bright bits of the day is talking cock with friends and the uber lunches we've been having - marutama ramen with seasoned egg and grilled cha siu, superdog and botak jones western so far. and with sgh coming up next week, it can only get better! maxwell curry rice, that nice chinatown foodcentre (honglim? dunno la), maybe central again (central has shitloads of good food, but unfortunately the carpark involves a winding spiral of hell and is damn bloody expensive la)

i miss california and my twit sis alot.
i wanto be back there where the sun is already shining when i wake to pee at 545am, but only sets at 8pm. all this relative lack of sunlight is making me fatigued and lethargic. ok, way past my usual 8pm bedtime. goodnight.

Monday, June 25, 2007

caroline siew --


A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

fucking funny!!

WAYNE YAP, if yu read my blog, BOW DOWN TO ME!
i frickin am a transformer!!!!!

just how weird is it that i fucking bring our applications to california to send cos it just makes more sense to send a piece of mail in the country of destination... AND MY FUCKING MAIL IS LOST!
some 3-4days, MY ASS! its been frickin 3 weeks and 3 days!
ugh, just let the damn mail get sent!


i was supposed to check my mail to see if my sister helped me check up on my stupid mail. checking my mail took me less than a minute, but i ended up wasting a whole shitload of time propoking people on facebook and graffiti-ing their walls. ZOMG, wtf is wrong with me!

i should be reading up abt the damned liver and biliary system for owning aileen wee tmr!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

be on time or be left behind

i almost missed my flight home from LA. which would really not be a bad thing actually, cos i'm already fucking missing california and my twit sister.
major pangseh by super shuttle fuckers and the famous major uber crazy los angeles rush hour jam doesn't make yu feel too good when its 530, yur flight is at 915, but yu dont know how the fuck yu gonna get there.
but thank God for people's taxi, and carpool lanes. i love carpool lanes. it just makes me wanna flash my middle finger and hold up a 'see ya suckers' sign to those losers stuck in the huge jam. HAHA.

this near miss reminds me of philly 3 years ago, when there was a major jam from jersey to newark. which resulted in us really nearly missing our flight home and me peeing in the middle of the fucking highway. my gift to america :)


previously, americans used to think singapore is a paddy field in china.
but they have a new updated version now.

taxi driver: so where yu guys from
me: singapore
taxi driver: no, i mean like city, yu know. like south korea?
me: no, not south korea. singapore
taxi driver: OH! south pole?
me: WTF?!?!?


anyways, california was great.

from the san francisco trolleys to shamu in san diego and meeting up with xinyi in beautiful la jolla to the freeway shootings of los angeles.

yes, FREEWAY SHOOTINGS! 2 freeway shootings on the same highway in just 1 week! isn't LA awesome. it used to be drive-by shootings, but now upgraded already. bam, shoot the chappy dead on the freeway, the car go mad and out of control and smash into other cars and the highway divide. UBER. straight out of the movies or GTA man.

daym. i miss the weather, the palm trees (my obsession. i have like a million photos of purely palm trees), the slopes of san francisco that give yu breathtaking views of the city (but not the evil slopes of san diego that give yu claudication), navigating those slopes while hanging out of a cable car, the beautiful double bridges of san fran: 1 silver 1 gold, the smeally sea lions and seals, the san diego sun that is almost completely responsible for my burn tan, seaworld!, the beautiful beaches with awesome surfing waves, the san gabriel mountains in the background that my sister's friend thought was an elaborate backdrop hahaha, the glitz and glamour feel of hollywood and the uber residential areas with no pavements so nobody is allowed to walk in the neighbourhood, poking my head around trying to spot a twiggy celebrity on rodeo drive, the fantastic american shopping (some summer sale), the uber food (in-n-out burger!! IHOP!!)...
its never ending.
i just miss that california vibe and the general feel of a holiday.
oh, and of course, my rocket scientist sis.


i can't sleep cos its 10am in california now!
photos soon, once i get them from my twit sis.
probably take 1 year, cos of the millions of palm tree photos :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

on the golden gate bridge

haha, i love this sign!

california is awesome! :)