Sunday, March 11, 2007

resistance is futile. the end is near.

i have a blister on my thumb base from all that writing.
i actually put leukoplast as a prophylactic barrier. leukoplast is a damn strong tape that i used for judo to prevent my fingers from bending the other way round and my nails from getting ripped out. but anyway, the leuokoplast actually got fucking rubbed out from all the writing. wtff!?!?!?

i got a neck sprain from 'awkward posture' for 3 fucking hours.
but thank God i have a slave to massage me after.

i have many nusty pimples, and i got pissed so i burst one and its scar looks like someone punched me in the eye. but that's ok cos i'd rather look like i got into a fight than look like the moon. i also accidentally burst one cos i was rubbing my head while squeezing my brains dry for ideas, so my cofm exam script has blood on it. haha!

i have memorised the airport soundtrack. and sometimes i will accidentally hum it like a moron. yu know the elevator/toilet music kind with the saxophones and voilins, but actually its just a frickin damn organ anyway.

i have the 'honour' of being on gummy foo's yucky list of exams things:
no of late night smses to caro: 20+++ in 3 nights
hmpf. my fellow last minute grab da buddha leg mugger pal put me on a list of yucky things. DAYM.
what a waste of sms.

but hopefully, i have removed the exposure. so i shd be well soon.

ohmygawd, i am so glad to have my life back.
fuckin exams.

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