Wednesday, March 28, 2007

cough phlegm

every morning i sleep thru an NE trip from tampines-bedok reservoir-eunos-paya lebar-serangoon-angmokio. that's from one frickin interchange to the other balls! but damn good nap la. that is, as long as i get a good seat that ensures im safe from molesters. i slept and woke up 3xtimes and still hadn't reach yet lor. fuckin 1h6min bus ride.

anw, if yu think family med is slack - yu're wrong. ok la, no need to study till a few days before test. but the days are damn long la. bloody 830-5!?
if its damn bloody interesting till yu self impose crazy long hours like emed to see sliced up boys then that's acceptable. but this is like a see one, see all kinda thing. metabolic syndrome, URTI, dizziness (such a favourite really), somatization young males. aiya.. how different can it get. look around my neighbourhood can alr la.
and it may seem weird, but i am damn tired everyday. i think its cuz the need to look interested even though the clinic is mudda fuck boring is extremely exhausting.
anw, i think the lab queue is really a med students blood sucking dream. what better place to practice blood taking than an uber long queue of patients waiting to tew huit. they would be so grateful to end the wait they wont even scold if yu poke damn pain lor! at least i like to think that lar. :) but no i never go take their blood lar. too busy being bored.


if there is one thing i learnt this posting, its that wayne shd do geriatrics.
cuz he is turning out to be quite the auntie killer. he appeased a kb auntie with a cutesy smile and he captivated the s11 drinks auntie who non-stop flirted with him, starting with his $50 change for the drinks. im quite happy abt that, cos it means when we eat at s11, no need queue for drinks alr!!! :):):):):):):):):)

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