Friday, January 05, 2007

regression to childhood

wayne, manny and me have a new love.

it all started not so recently when i was walking past the vivocity arcade with bryan, and i saw a girl playing armadillo racing. she sucked like shit la.
i told bryan that, and he challenged me to a match. and i kicked his ass at it. HAHA.

anyway, one day wayne manny and me wento vivocity on another one of our quests to find our medicine tutors presents. till today we still haven't given them anything.
anyway we got tired and we felt stressed and a whole lot of other angsty shit. though actually we weren't really studying hard or anything.
so i suggested armadillo racing for catharsis.
and so after that, we love arcade again. 'again' cos arcade is a teenybopper thing that we are supposed to love last time only. teenybopperhood is all about coins cos teenyboppers are poor. arcade 50cent coins..neoprint $1 coins..

so anyway, armadillo racing.
good for people with peripheral neuropathy of the hands. cos rolling the ball to get yur armadillo racing is FUCKING PAIN. i will post some pictures of our intense concentrating faces and us moronically rolling the ball before the race even starts. but that will have to be after my cd/dvd drive works again. i killed it with overdose of prison break from 12pm-6am.
so be content with this cute armadillo first.
they are like sonic the hedgehog (shit, more childhood stuff). the more momentum yu have, it will curl into a ball and shoot off. and the armadillos cry when they lose the race.

after that, manny and wayne played time crisis 2. which gave us a new mission to complete time crisis 2. wayne mixes up reality and ducks bullets like a chicken when playing, and manny shoots damn cool with one hand only. uber. my leg goes into clonus if i play too long, cos must keep stepping and releasing pedal. haha. after the clonus, i am unable to hide properly then i will die. anyway at our 3rd attempt to complete time crisis 2, the stupid gun at marina was spoilt, so we tried time crisis 3! which is damn fuck hard la. but damn fun cos the graphics nicer, and got alot of zng weapons. like can choose machine gun to kill those muddafuckers.
but manny and wayne don't like, cos they say the game is designed to eat our money :( so i suspect i will not get to play that anymore... unless i can convince bryan to play with me. actually, i think i will just bring jude out to play. haha. shit jude is like pri3, and i am m3. and i wanto bring him to play time crisis with me. wtf... i am mad.

time crisis 3

wayne like cos got babe in it.
when i play, i will only be blue. i hate red, he so ugly.

i also wanna learn howto play streetfighter vs marvel superheroes!
cos spiderman damn cool
sucks la. so many combi, must hurry go mug! haha .. not!
bryan told me about some 99hit combo. imba shit.

this is disgusting, i think i am going to go broke playing arcade.


apart from arcade, today i finally learnt how to play texas hold 'em.
or according to wayne batik yap: texas hold-up!
i actually hate poker, cos i associate it with stripping. but after casino royale, daniel craig made it interesting. cos now there is hope of getting rich.
anyway, we played with peesai balls cos gummy and me just learnt today. and we don't wanto use real money cos sure lose. quite funny cos the peesai balls all different size. some weird looking chips there.
sianz, throughout the nusty 2h cofm meeting, i was thinking of texas hold-up.
shit i am addicted to playing games.

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