Wednesday, December 06, 2006


i love A&E posting.

cos its at cgh which is fuck near my house.

cos it sounds potentially exciting, though usually its not. all collapse go to the evil shift which comprises of randal booty low and kiong. like, where have all the ectopic pregnancies gone man?

cos the irregular hours own all. how bout some school at 4-10? though having a 1h lect at 830 on yur afternoon shift day really sucks. and saturday night call 10-8 isnt too great either. but still, i love it.

cos we get to cheap thrill and do procedures. like, press on the spot where the con just did an ABG for 5 mins! damn fun right.... today, while i was taking out the ECG stickers, i ripped out the chest hair of an indian uncle. he wasn't too happy abt that. in fact, he screamed louder than he did when the con palpated his tender abdomen. oh well. one life saved.

cos there's lots of midazolam around. :)

cos its frickin slack and we just sit on the beds talking cock most of the time. or sit on the chairs outside and sleep while waiting for ambulance to come. and think of cock things to do like IV frusemide manny to make her toilet-bound 24/7, find the pethidine, come up with fear factor challenges like placing charged defibrillator paddles on yur chest...
ya we are damn bored. even though occasionally got cat A people who wanto brush the intestine villi.

aiya, who am i kidding. i just love it cos of the hazmats! :)

rekindle the old flame.

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