Tuesday, June 20, 2006

2 horrid twerps

in one day!
and all i was doing was peacefully eating breakfast at bedok interchange.

twerp 1
first i was harrassed by a little midget.
dont get me wrong, i do not look down on them or anything. i just think they should try to do something useful instead of just begging. i mean, he could walk and all. even the blind sell tissue or busk. that little midget can see, hear, walk and talk, why should he just stick out his hand and ask for money?! others more challenged than him are at least making an effort, and i'l willingly help them. but i am certainly not helping a lazy bugger who won't help himself!
he waddled up to me and stretched out his hand, then stroked his face with his dirty long nail while grinning at me with crooked teeth. and he was too close for comfort.
i was like what the fucking hell!? yu stick out yur damn hand and yu think i should just give yu money?!
so i just shook my head at him. and luckily my aunt and grandma were walking back to the table, so i just looked away and hoped he would just get lost.
ohmygawd. after awhile i realised he was still standing freaking near beside me, practically breathing down my neck. how thick skin is that. people already say no right.
in the end my aunt had to give him some money so he would leave us alone though i told her not to. its only encouraging these twerps! urgh!

twerp 2
this girl came up to us and starting yabbering on and on in super high speed in chinese about how she's from some organisation to help the elderly by giving them free acupuncture in toa payoh. riiight. so my aunt stopped her and asked her to speak in english. turns out she wants us to buy a card which costs 10bucks to help these old people. my aunt said no thanks.
and the horrid twit blinked at my aunt then left.
my aunt was real pissed so she said loudly that the girl is so rude!
and the girl turned back and said 'oei auntie. yu dont like that okay. next time yu will also need our help lor'
i was like
what the fuck!?!?!?!
so rude! she's like cursing my aunt or smth! that bitch!
how dare she say that my aunt will need her help.

firstly, what help? just acupuncture for the elderly and yu think thats helping?
secondly, i can take care of my aunt. no need for yur pathetic excuse of a help.

seriously, there are organisations which do much more than that for the old folkies.
i think the old folkies need wayyyy more than just acupuncture alright.
besides, 10bucks is asking alot. i think selling tickets at 2 bucks is a much smarter way of getting people to contribute. 1 shot want my 10 bucks. walau, too much right.
plus, i think its damn rude to just start motor-mouthing away and interrupting people's breakfast. hello, basic courtesy please?! at least ask if she can have a little of our time. but no, she just comes up and starts yakyakyakking away. and when people stop her, she dare to blink. like hello? better that i stop yu halfway than yu finish yur long story right. cos either way im never gonna donate to a rude bitch like yu!

ugh. seriously, some people are just so annoying it amazes me.

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