Friday, March 30, 2007


i will never understand why the fuck a posting like family med requires 4 fucking write ups. that's 1 per week. and if that's not uber enough, yu are a freak. how many variants of ideas concerns and expectations can there be. and how many times must i type diet modification mutual shared understanding exercise smoking cessation holistic approach. BALLS LA. don't ever get Hep B or yu'll be condemned to a life of this shit!!!!!!!

anw i am done with the fucking 3rd write up. one more week of this shit and I'M OUT!


today, geriatric wannabe wayne flirted with the s11 auntie despite pretending like shit that he was terrified she would rape him. he almost sold his soul and balls for a kopi peng. that slut. haha

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

cough phlegm

every morning i sleep thru an NE trip from tampines-bedok reservoir-eunos-paya lebar-serangoon-angmokio. that's from one frickin interchange to the other balls! but damn good nap la. that is, as long as i get a good seat that ensures im safe from molesters. i slept and woke up 3xtimes and still hadn't reach yet lor. fuckin 1h6min bus ride.

anw, if yu think family med is slack - yu're wrong. ok la, no need to study till a few days before test. but the days are damn long la. bloody 830-5!?
if its damn bloody interesting till yu self impose crazy long hours like emed to see sliced up boys then that's acceptable. but this is like a see one, see all kinda thing. metabolic syndrome, URTI, dizziness (such a favourite really), somatization young males. aiya.. how different can it get. look around my neighbourhood can alr la.
and it may seem weird, but i am damn tired everyday. i think its cuz the need to look interested even though the clinic is mudda fuck boring is extremely exhausting.
anw, i think the lab queue is really a med students blood sucking dream. what better place to practice blood taking than an uber long queue of patients waiting to tew huit. they would be so grateful to end the wait they wont even scold if yu poke damn pain lor! at least i like to think that lar. :) but no i never go take their blood lar. too busy being bored.


if there is one thing i learnt this posting, its that wayne shd do geriatrics.
cuz he is turning out to be quite the auntie killer. he appeased a kb auntie with a cutesy smile and he captivated the s11 drinks auntie who non-stop flirted with him, starting with his $50 change for the drinks. im quite happy abt that, cos it means when we eat at s11, no need queue for drinks alr!!! :):):):):):):):):)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

nihilistic no more.

i am finally done with my emo-angst.
lovesick happiness is back. ok la, i'm not so disgusting. i'm just normal happy. won't have no mushy i love you i need you oh baby oh baby here, so chill.
and i must say i'm really grateful to have so many sweetie hunny friends who really do care. so thank yu to those who asked and listened and helped. :) aren't yu glad that now yu won't have to deal with my whinyness anymore?

now i must create a long blogpost to shift my angsty blogpost down. and also before stupid wayne reads it out loud to me. -_- he loves reading people's angsty blog moments back to them.
so anyway, what better way to do that than with disgusting amounts of pictures.

BENG'S BIRTHDAY - dinner at waraku
celebrated 1 week late on 17 march, but still, happy birthday partner!

and little xian and xinyi - we missed yu!
its disgusting that we have shrunk to 5 people!! eh, but still can make a team! haha.

uber long queue at waraku. lucky we were smart and wento queue before beng reached.

for equal photowhoring opportunities, i must put this picture even though its essentially the same as above. i also like manny's chipmunk smile :) haha

after a damn long wait, we got a window seat overlooking clarke quay and the river and all the ugly construction around it. but it was still nice la.
unfortunately i cannot find a picture of it! hint to manny and huiyi to send me pics!

ok now for food!
we were pigs and ordered the damn worth it set meals.
each set has both rice and udon. and only 16bucks lar.

huiyi's curry beef udon and chicken/egg rice.
i stole alot of the curry :)

luohan's sukiyaki nabe :) ok this is not a set meal. and the soup is so bloody salty it causes hypertension. but its damn nice la. i burnt my tongue stealing so much soup.

manny's hot plate sukiyaki with udon and rice.
checkout manny beating the egg to put on the hot plate. the hot plate is uber small, but the stuff actually cooks!

my pork cutlet with rice and udon. the sesame covered thing is some special sauce which is damn nice.

there is no picture of beng's food cos i think she destroyed it before we took a picture.

i think my food description skills need some improvement. maybe i should consider classes from gummyfool or the celebrity prawn. or maybe not.

after eating so much, we still went for dessert!
we wanted azabu sabo but the queue was so uber long, and the scoops looked damn small. so we wento coffee club instead for 2xbirthday cakes for beng. :)


muddy mud pie.
(zhuan, muddy mud pie always makes me think of yu!)

group pic on the coffee club balls, with some sexy legs from beng and huiyi :)

anyways, i probably won't blog tmr, so this is an early
all the way in san diego.
i bet yu're having shitloads of fun alr, and i bet yur birthday there is gonna be great!
i miss yu and yu kb-ing! heehee.
when yu come back, we shall have double birthday bash for yu and xiany alright?

and because i didn't blog in february cos of full-time mugger mode,
its never too late.
and i shd know, cos i have lots of uber belated birthday celebrations, which i have yet to blog about.
but anyways, i miss yu too little xian. and have fun in beijing/beida/tibet/mongolia/shanghai/hangzhou/shuzhou/dalian
and whatever else crazy places china has if yu're going! and make sure yu're back in time for my birthday as yu said yu would! :)

ok that's some blogging overload. and now its back to my usual sunday tv marathons.

shit. tmr=angmokio polyclinic. and tmr i am group rep! nooo...

one last thing!
say this very fast:

she fill the small spoon full

and if yu can say it perfectly, please demo to either manny, wayne or me ok?

Thursday, March 15, 2007


it is 6.10pm on a thursday afternoon. and wtf am i doing?

a family medicine posting case write-up. on dizziness.

fuck cofm.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

it ends tonight.

i don't know why i always make life hell for myself.
and i don't know what to do now.
but maybe it isn't even my choice.

i can't explain myself at all.
i don't want to need at all.
maybe it's best you leave me alone.

when darkness turns to light,
it ends tonight.
it ends tonight.

just a little insight won't make this right,
it's too late to fight.
it ends tonight,
it ends tonight.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

resistance is futile. the end is near.

i have a blister on my thumb base from all that writing.
i actually put leukoplast as a prophylactic barrier. leukoplast is a damn strong tape that i used for judo to prevent my fingers from bending the other way round and my nails from getting ripped out. but anyway, the leuokoplast actually got fucking rubbed out from all the writing. wtff!?!?!?

i got a neck sprain from 'awkward posture' for 3 fucking hours.
but thank God i have a slave to massage me after.

i have many nusty pimples, and i got pissed so i burst one and its scar looks like someone punched me in the eye. but that's ok cos i'd rather look like i got into a fight than look like the moon. i also accidentally burst one cos i was rubbing my head while squeezing my brains dry for ideas, so my cofm exam script has blood on it. haha!

i have memorised the airport soundtrack. and sometimes i will accidentally hum it like a moron. yu know the elevator/toilet music kind with the saxophones and voilins, but actually its just a frickin damn organ anyway.

i have the 'honour' of being on gummy foo's yucky list of exams things:
no of late night smses to caro: 20+++ in 3 nights
hmpf. my fellow last minute grab da buddha leg mugger pal put me on a list of yucky things. DAYM.
what a waste of sms.

but hopefully, i have removed the exposure. so i shd be well soon.

ohmygawd, i am so glad to have my life back.
fuckin exams.