Sunday, October 29, 2006

as i was walking up the stairs
i saw a man who wasn't there
he wasn't there again today
i wish, i wish he'd go away

psych posting is getting to me.
hell no, its not.

sometimes its funny, secret organizations of fairies and counting people on the ceiling.
and then sometimes its scary and i just feel damn fucked up and sad for the people in there.
sedation and dark depressing wards to cure psychosis. sure man.


anyways, come checkout some mermaid booty next saturday with dj wayne and siew in da house! :)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

if you ain't first, you're last.

yeah balls. some infective endocarditis for my end of posting test.
should be great for me since i have an obsession with matz and ivda, but no, i miss the double murmur and the raised JVP.
all cos i was too fascinated with the tattoos and needle mark on his neck while examining the jvp.
oh well, that druggie is hard core.

next up, some drug overdose for long case.
what do yu call pre loss of consciousness where yu're half-in half-out.
well, i called it pre- semi- syncope. like wtf is that anyway man.
please tell me i won't fail.

to finish the kill, some mitral valvotomy as an answer to how the keloid scars on the uncle tie in with his pursed lip breathing.

and i lost my brand new tendon tapper though i fucking didnt even use it.

whatever man.


on saturday, i was conned into watching some fucked up show with 9 of bryan's friends. so much for its just josh and james.
right, so i was all prepared to just concentrate on my nachos and cheese for self entertainment. but i was wrong, telladega nights was great! haha shit i totally expected it to be nusty horrid, but it was fucking funny la.
though i fucking hate will ferrell and his goddamn stupid show anchorman.
but anyway, aliG is king.
go watch it man!


another reason why i love the show

yeah balls! they featured applebee's!
one of my favourite places to eat when i was in ann arbor last dec.
plus it was linked to my hotel, with room service too!
good memories :)

fucking nice steak and shrimp. which is not pictured above though.

oh daym.
chris yu are so lucky, yu can eat this everyday.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


there is a uber 'food fair' near my block. its like a hari raya thing, it's there every year.
instead of looking at the dengdeng, briyani and kay-bubs, i was too distracted looking out for needle marks, hyperpigmentation along veins and peripheral stigmata of infective endocarditis.

luckily don't have, cos i might have whipped out my stet for a quick listen. esm, psm?
what better place in the neighbourhood to study cvs for end of posting test

oh help, i am becoming increasingly nerdy.