Sunday, August 20, 2006

let's make this last forever

when i first started surgery at AH, i was damn angst. bitching about everything from aileen's butterfly jungle to the slow lifts to the banglas and dialect speaking oldies.

now after 8 weeks, i am damn freaking sad to leave that place. :(
i love the laid back aura, where people actually have the time to notice us white coat scum.
and its the people i will miss the most.
i don't think this comes with every posting. like i wasnt sad to end CSFC though i miss ben chua the original rat baby and his clone jason chang.
this posting was special. and here's what i will miss so bad.

ssrb/ little drummer boy
that's him beating his little drum there.
small, stupid and has a sexy scar.
he's damn frickin sweet. he acually secretly bought liana and me some paperchase stickers cos we were squealing for about 5 mins how cute they were :)
and being ungrateful bastards, our reaction to the stickers was:
" why never buy the book?"
(which we were squealing over for about 15mins)
haha, i'm kidding. thanks ssrb for being such a sweetie.

i have no photo of liana, so just picture a meowf here.

shit, i will miss both liana and ssrb so so bad!! : (
i am so glad we somehow formed a little partnership on the first day, cos this posting wouldn't have been such fun if not for them.
now who is gonna do the patented stupid dance with me, keep repeating " what did she say? " and then laugh at guozhang for sounding like hard gay, stalk dr ntk all over the place till he thinks we're freaks, bitch about leech and other twitzz, visit the canteen 'sister' and get lots of salad, hear guozhang do his sudden spikes in volume when he gets excited..

the phlebotomists!
no one can brighten yur day like they can.
just the yelling of " ah ma!!!! tieu hweut!!!! " makes me laugh

see, told yu they'd brighten yur day :)
ssrb looks demonic when laughing.

(gila) fidah and ssrb sharing a moment.
fidah is the one who gave him the name ssrb.

that's randal snr.
his real name is boon but cos i think he looks like randal, we just started calling him randal and he will now respond to the name randal. haha
just look how white he is, tell me he don't look like randal!?

and now, my favourite!

haha, i really hope he never ever sees this.
cos he will just flip. and think we're bigger freaks than he already thinks we are.

he looks like a lizard with bloody cool hair.
seriously, he is the coolest dr ever.
i am so totally in love with him.

ok now i hope bryan never sees this. haha.

ok there's more than what there is above, but i'm tired and i don't have the pictures.
freaking reporting at 8am tmr at TTSH and i have absolutely no bloody idea howto get there.
oh well.