operation terror orc
this week is nice!
it was supposed to be a 4 day week thanks to labour day.
but thanks to operation sparrow hawk its a 3 day week!
whoohoo!!! :) :)
i love it!
plus the 3 days were pretty slack and fun.
first we had 2 days of learning skills in NUS. which brought back the real feeling of school which is weird to say but i miss it. i miss getting to see everyone all at once! and i miss my jeans and t shirts. and i miss just sitting around during lessons talking. and not having to walk real fast everywhere all the time. feel less of a noob now after learning 10 skills. still a noob, but less!
we sucked fake arms dry of its cherryade. and then we poked catheters into fake penises with chek and wayne feeling the pain and squealing "be gentle leh!!!". and then learnt the basics of gay sex. no la im kidding. we only poked a finger into an ass. and then of course not forgetting the best part- wounds! we had an angmoh surgeon? i dunno its not important. the important part is he had a frickin deep sexy voice! and he said 'aiyyaaaarrr' in a damn funny way at the messes manny and me made of our knots cos we weren't guides last time like liana, and not a brownie like chek.
ended nice and early at 3 on wednesday. gummy was damn psyched up abt cedele's rosemary chicken sandwich so we wento the raffles city branch for some tea! but raffles city's version had no brie cheese :( so i dint get the real thing. but still damn nice. cranberries and chicken and herbs and foccacia. i love foccacia. it is included in my list of things i love to smell. :)
anyway it was damn nice to yak with gummy again! though she's in my big cg i hardly see the other 1/2 of them. i miss the times when we used to spend lectures yakking and vandalising each others notes. writing 'gummy' on top of the 'lynn' she wrote on her notes till her mama asked her why she keep koping notes from this 'gummy' person. HAHAHA.
after that i bought some thos SB pie home cos i always wanted to let my mama try. introduced to xian and me by manny. its tucked away in some hidey hole in raffles city. when the 3 of us went last time kena check by security some more sial!!!
anyway the point of the story ( i have points to my stories unlike gummy) is that they have
one-for-one on everything everyday after 6!!!!!!!!
so for just $5.50 i got 2 HUGE SB pies!!!!! :):):):):)
go get yurs now!
ok thursday dint start out fun. i had to get up at frickin 530 am but i woke up at 6am instead. oops. my cg was supposed to go for this journal club thing that we had no idea about. but now that we know what its about, manny,chek,wayne and me would like to say:
journal club is great!
damn interesting sia! everyone shd bug their tutors to let them go journal club! super learning experience. held in a posh room in a posh place. and wayne says got babes too though manny and me dont think so. but still, go for yur journal club session now!!! it is really really great.
hahaha pui la. as if.
journal club=PBL for oldies=fucking heaps of questions fired here there everywhere=zzzzz for clueless shits like me
but to compensate, we got to go OT!
but only day surgery. and only to see some haemorrhoids then we had to fuck out of there. :(
but smtg damn damn damn funny happened in the time between after tutorial and before surgery that happened that made everyone's day! hahahahhahaha. ok everyone but wayne's la.
i hate the smelly OT croc-like shoes and the lousy drawstring pants!
and the OT isn't like what i expected it to be.
i saw a fly.
no im kidding.
but seriously.
man, i love this week!
gonna make the most of it so im going off to get ready for a hot date later!

Saturday, May 06, 2006
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